Our Mission is Four-fold:
To provide support and shared community for families and friends of traffic crash victims (including pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, and others on our roadways);
To help share stories of the lives of those lost in preventable traffic crashes;
To convert these stories into effective advocacy efforts in Montgomery County and the State of Maryland; and,
To prompt changes that would prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future
We are… grieving family members and community advocates, with a shared concern for love ones lost in traffic-related crashes. First and foremost, we aim to provide support and resources to family members and friends of loved ones lost in traffic-related crashes, forming a support system, so that victims’ family members and friends know that they are not alone.
We are… parents and neighbors, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters, friends, teachers, and community members, all committed to enabling a safer shared transportation system in Montgomery County – whether an individual is driving, walking, rolling, bicycling, or using a scooter; whether the transportation mode is human or engine-powered.
We believe… that traffic crashes are preventable, and, as such, we are committed to learning lessons from fatal crashes to understand how to prevent them in the future.
We work together… to transform these stories of preventable tragedy into actionable advocacy efforts, to ensure the streets are safer for all.

Join MoCo FSS and WABA for
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Ride for Your Life 2024 is a 10-mile slow ride and separate one-mile walk to the Lincoln Memorial that will send a clear message about roadway safety to our leaders as a new Congress and presidential administration takes shape. The more people show up, the more attention we will get, and the safer the roads will become.
For more info and to register, please visit the link below:
Join our e-mail list to receive advocacy alerts and other updates! Email mocofamiliesforsafestreets@gmail.com with “SUBSCRIBE” in the Subject Line