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Montgomery County Families for Safe Street would like the State of Maryland and Montgomery County to fully implement Vision Zero policies across the State, prioritized for greatest impact and in a manner that is fair and equitable.

This should include:

  1. The adoption and implementation of “Complete Streets” and “Context Driven Design.” It is not enough to merely pass a law or write a policy. The State and the County need to prioritize implementation of these two policies in particular, so that all road users (pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists) can share our roadways in safe manner. These policies include guidance around interventions that help reduce crashes, and provide better infrastructure and facilities. For example, in a busy “Suburban Activity Center,” a pedestrian should have access to a safe, protected crosswalk with a HAWK signal, a cyclist should have access to a buffered bicycle lane, and cars should travel no faster than 35mph (max). The State and County should accelerate adoption and implementation of these principles, particularly in equity emphasis areas, in areas within school walksheds, and in areas where other vulnerable populations (e.g., children, people with disabilities, and people who are elderly) are frequently using the transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities.
  2. Better crash investigation procedures and infrastructure reviews, along with holistic analysis of needed interventions. In 2022, the Vision Zero Implementation Act was signed into law. This law requires an infrastructure review and corrective measures for any fatal pedestrian or bicycle crash on or adjacent to a Maryland State Highway. This review is to be conducted by the State Highway Administration, and made public. We need to remain vigilant, to ensure these reviews – and, resulting infrastructure changes – are made, and are made quickly.
  3. Full adoption and acceleration of the Montgomery County Safe Streets Act. Among other things, the Safe Streets Act requires infrastructure reviews around schools, increased usage of leading pedestrian intervals (giving pedestrians more time to cross the street), and bans right turn on red at certain intersections. In November, 2022, MoCoFSS representatives testified in favor of a supplemental appropriation to help fund this implementation. We urge the State legislature to pass legislation that would require similar interventions on State highways.

Further, there are currently several pieces of State-wide and local legislation expected to go before the State Delegation in the 2024 legislative session that will be of interest to MoCoFSS. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • MC 7-24 – “Montgomery County – State Highway Intersections – Traffic Control Devices”
  • MC 6-24 – “Montgomery County – School Bus Monitoring Cameras – Distribution of Fines”
  • MC 10-24 – “Montgomery County – Highways – Maximum Speed Limits”
  • MC 15-24 – “Montgomery County – Speed Monitoring Systems – High–Risk Highways”
  • MC 19-24 – “Montgomery County – Speed Monitoring Systems – Publication of Notice”

Write Your Local and State Elected Officials

Demand Safer Streets Now! Every voice counts!

Montgomery County State Delegation:

Montgomery County Council: ​
